We are excited to announce that we will honor former Chorale co-founder and conductor, Howard Rizner, at our March 9, 2019, performance of Dan Forrest's Requiem for the Living. This will be an inaugural performance of the Rizner Concert Series. Rizner co-founded the Hillsdale Arts Chorale in 1973, and served as conductor until 2008. His legacy includes not only the Hillsdale Arts Chorale, but also generations of students whom he impacted through his service in public education. In the spirit of recognizing both his gifts as a community member and teacher, we will invite high school musicians to join us in performing this stunning work.
This concert will be a labor of love, but will also require financial support to make it happen. After compiling a list of needs for this concert, we are predicting the cost of this concert will be near $4,000. The concert needs are are follows... director's score, rehearsal tracks, instrumental parts rental, 60 copies, instrumentalists, flute, oboe, horn, percussion, harp, violin, cello, and organist. If you feel compelled to donate to help make this concert happen, please click the Rizner donation form button below. Simply print the form and send your donation to P.O. Box 215, Jonesville, MI 49250. We greatly appreciate your generosity. Along with your donation, you and/or business will be listed as a sponsor in our March concert program. Thank you for continuing to support the Hillsdale Arts Chorale!